The Return of ME!! { Fayetteville Aberdeen, NC Child Baby Photographer }

Maternity leave was amazing!  I sooo enjoyed getting to know the precious little boy God gave me to take care of.  He has such a sweet nature and I am honored to be the one who gets to watch and help him grow into the man he is meant to be.


As much as I enjoyed spending much needed time with my babies, I am equally excited to get back to work!  I am lucky to have a job that I enjoy so much and count myself truly blessed to be working in my dream job.  The families I get to work with always bring a smile to my face and leave an imprint on my heart.

But my camera and computer weren’t sitting and gathering dust while I was away.  Instead I used the time for professional development and reflection.  I took two very intensive courses (one editing, one creativity) and pushed myself further than I’ve ever looked before. Sometimes it was hard, sometimes it was frustrating, but in the end it was magical.  Overall it was a great experience I really needed to grow.

In the coming months I am going to be making some changes to begin photographing more in the style I feel I’m most suited for.  I’m still working on the wording for my announcement and debating if I’m really ready to give up the other genres, but the shift will happen in the next month.  I’m really excited to share the news with everyone!

Ready to schedule your complimentary pre-consult? Hop over to the CONTACT PAGE. I look forward to talking with you!

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telephone 910.703.7660

located near Raleigh, North Carolina

(historic downtown Southern Pines)
234 NW Broad Street Southern Pines, NC 28387