Holiday Pictures- Fayetteville Child Photographer

Don’t take your children for holiday portraits at the mall!  Why would you get your child dressed up, drive to the mall, find a spot, get into the mall, pray your child doesn’t have a meltdown while waiting or in the camera room, and struggle to keep them still while you make a on-the-spot decision for some pictures on a cheesy backdrop that aren’t even edited?  Too stressful!!

We’ve got a much simpler (and cuter!) way to round out your holiday gift list this year.  Holiday Portrait Minisessions!!  Granny and Gramps don’t really want a waffle maker, they want adorable pictures of their grand babies!

The day is this Saturday, December 3rd and you must email or call for an appointment first.  There are a very limited number of sessions offered and the early bird gets the worm!  Payment is due when you book and will hold your spot.


Some commonly asked questions about minis:

Can I order additional items through the gallery?

~Yes you can!

What is a digital file?

~The computer file of an image plus printing rights.  You can print off a picture for your entire family or use the file to make cute photo gifts.

How many people does the package include?

~The package is good for 20 minutes.  You can cycle your three children through during that time slot, but will only receive one set of products per package you purchase.

I have four children. Should I buy four packages?

~I’d recommend purchasing two packages, which gives us 40 minutes of shoot time with your children.  That way if one child has a bad day, I’ll have more time to work with him/her.

Do you provide clothes or props?

~This year’s Holiday setup is very simple so there won’t be any supplied props.  You can choose to bring a sentimental something for your child to hold.  I also have several headbands for girls and the red dress below is a 3t if you’d like to use it.

How many children can you fit in one picture?

~Due to the size of our studio, I recommend only two children (maximum) at one time.

What should my child wear?

~Anything you want them to!  I think this set-up looks best with dressier clothes.  Shoes always photograph funny in pictures, I personally don’t like them in studio pictures.  It looks too stuffy and staged!

Hope to see you Saturday!

Ready to schedule your complimentary pre-consult? Hop over to the CONTACT PAGE. I look forward to talking with you!

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telephone 910.703.7660

located near Raleigh, North Carolina

(historic downtown Southern Pines)
234 NW Broad Street Southern Pines, NC 28387